Thursday, December 29, 2005

Polling station now closed

Votes being counted by an independent adjudicator...... The festive fun'n'frolicks party is looking good, but the academics are slipping WAY behind..
As you can probably tell, I forgot about this entry and tried to sneak it in before the previous one, so if this seems a bit out of order, it is!
And the question and results are:
What should I do over the holiday period?

1 knit furiously, from any and every project I damn well like 20%

2 stay in bed for a week, eating chocs, drinking wine, reading 13.3%

3 hushed whisper - work on my assignment (AAARRGGHH) 6.7%

4 eat just a little more chocolate than is good for me 0%

5 all of the above except answer 3 60%

As the results show, I shouldn't have been working on that ol' assignment - so I now feel exceedingly virtuous for having done so. And my reward - the most beeyootiful pair of pink DMs that I have ever seen - pic when I find the camera (hope it didn't go out with the wrapping paper.....)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Well, so much for standing by the poll results...

'Cos I'm doing FAR TOO MUCH OF NUMBER 3!!!! Still, I am feeling a little self-satisfied - if not a little worried. As usual, word count way too high on the ol' assignment. I can type for Scotland as well as talk, it would seem.

Santa was very good to me, and I got STACKS of Noro yarn and other such wonderful stuff. One of the more light-hearted moments was making edible tree decorations with my son. Made with only organic ingredients, I then just had to smother them with all sorts of E-numbers.

Doesn't that look great?

I have managed to get a little knitting done - I only have the sleeve to finish from chocolate lime and I finally managed to find the AWOL ball of Artesano Alpaca that I need to complete my son's hat and scarf. So, not a late present for this Christmas, more that it will be very early for next.

This made me laugh. The author of a book on flower arranging. They've got to be kidding, right?

Thursday, December 22, 2005

You decide

Yep, finally decided to abdicate responsibility - sometimes being a grown-up is too much. So, to take the pressure off I've decided to let you, my adoring public, decide what I should do for the next two weeks.... And when I work out what the problem is, the poll WILL be right here...
Hmm, I was almost right. Turns out I've had to put the poll in the sidebar, just underneath the clock. So, don't be shy - YOUR vote counts!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Why is it that, having been ever so careful about saving files, I managed to hit the 'discard' prompt with gay abandon ? There I was, feverishly (well, freezingly, actually, brrrrrrrrr!) slaving away on my assignment, ignoring the silkysoft alpaca currently on the pins, feeling not smug, but a little pleased that I was UP OFF MY A** and DOING THE DARN THING, when it all got a little too much. Fortunately for me A my DH was able to locate my file
B I had autosave on every 5 mins, so all wasn't lost, only the last paragraph

Another lesson learnt. Phew.

Here is another sneaky peek inside my Birthday Basket Birthday Basket - this is the lite version, for sharing just with you - go on, have a nibble....

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Dang and BLAST !!!!!

I've been really good today, but wished I hadn't bothered......

I have two assignments due for the beginning of term and really want them out of the way. So, instead of sitting down with this spinning I have been beavering away on the Prefessional Development assignment. The problem seems to be that I've been trying to work between a pc and a laptop - I didn't realise that the laptop didn't know which programme to use to open documents I had downloaded on the pc and then transferred via a data pen - it seemed like the documents weren't there. The problem was made no better when I decided to transfer my assignment to the pc to work on it - we use OpenOffice - and that programme doesn't like Word....So, as you can see, I've given up for the day. I'D RATHER BE KNITTING (or spinning)

The fibre was acquired from Twist Fibre Craft. As we we were passing within 100 miles fairly close on Saturday, my other MAJORLY URGENT minor business was put on the back burner while I had a wee browse. The fibre in question is a fairly autumnal mix of pinks, yellow and rusts, with a tiny bit of green and purple. I've decided to supplement the mix with some chocolate and a deep blue/green (the latter in very small quantities, just to give a flash of colour). I'm spinning a fine singles yarn and will be knitting a scarf - probably feather and fan, but I actually want to do a slightly lacy chevron pattern. I don't have the one I want in any of my stitch libraries - any suggestions??? I just don't have the time/inclination to work it out myself, so if it's not available,too bad. This is one if the few times I've neen able to use the new wheel my DH gave me for my 40th - and if I don't get the assignment done asap, I guess it'll be the last for a while...

I have done a teeny weeny bit of adaptation. his is the sleeve from a Noro zip-up cardigan, knit entirely in k2 p2 rib. As your eagle eyes will have spotted, their is a 3-braid cable up the middle of the sleeves. The first pic was taken in daylight, without the flash, whereas here, the flash has fairly bleached out the detail. Must plan my photo shoots accordingly. I've also added a hat and scarf set to my Christmas knitting - it's in Artesano Alpaca, charcoal with an edging of pale grey for the hat, charcoal with diminishing stripes of the gey for the scarf. Not saying who it's for - it's a secret. Having said that, if the intended recipient read this blog, I'd fall off my seat in surprise - but you never know.

Finally, another pic from the Birthday Basket. Aren't they lovely. And not one of them missing in action - yet

Just to keep you going....


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Chocolate lime

One of these days I'll try to take the photos in daylight. Mind you, that would mean waiting until Spring. Once again, Noro is throwing up a surprise or two. I'd seen all of the colours except the dark brown, but I like it. Against that zingy green it puts me in mind of my favourite childhood sweets.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

missing links

Well, I tried Picasa - it seems to work for everyone else. All I have is blanks where the pics should be. They were there on the preview. Think I'll stick to the tried and tested way. Even if it does seem to take several lifetimes.

A wee warning

If anyone gets an odd, salacious or otherwise offensive posting/message that seems to come from my email address please either ignore it or contact me.

Some rather foolish person has decided to break the law and impersonate me on the internet

At least my mum's getting a present


You know what it's like - that teensy weensy project has been screaming whispering "Knit me, Knit me!" from the corner of the living room, but there are sooooooooooo many other new yarns and designs all demanding some of your time, too. However, I gritted my teeth and, finally, the Jaegar Cream Silk Scarf is finished - well, almost. I've been telling myself that I "....really like it unblocked." Mmm, am I just deluding myself, trying to sneak out of a bit of mind-numbingly boring not too taxing blocking. What d'ya think? Answers on a postcard to....

On the subject of cards, a big Thank YOU to Mhairi B for the card which popped through the door today - I still haven't organised myself enough to send last year's...

Getting a bit carried away - forgot to give you a wee close up of The Scarf. Those discerning lace knittiers amongst us Heather, will notice that it is Feather and Fan.

Posted by Picasa All iin all, I'm quite pleased by it.

I'm always trying to come up with a way to solve the how-the-hell-do-I-store-my-circulars problem. I'm about to try this out.

Any guesses - yep, a mini CD holder. I'm not convinced about it's function as a holder of larger (as in 6mm + needles) but it just might do for the smaller ones.

I've been trying out Picasa as a tool to load my pics - not sure what I think of it yet. It is quicker in some respects, but a bit of a pain in others - time will tell - maybe I can use it to tart up my c***** pics....

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Wowee - 40 26 aint so bad...

image of gift basket with knitted flower decoration ....not when you knitting palls like mine.

Not only am I now the proud owner of a set of Denise kneedles from Katherine, but I have (as yet) untold bounty in the form of the bestest-ever knitting basket.

Decorated, naturally, by a KSH beaded flower close up image of knitted flower motif in orange and deep pink kid silk haze yarn, blue and clear beaded staemens dangling from green centre this was a knitter's dream and, incidentally, solved the little secret sewing mystery. That little teaser turned out to be a needle roll created from the most amazing vintage material.vintage gold knitting kneedle case with pair of glass knitting needles placed on top Note the artfully placed glass needles - carefully selected and sourced by Jill - and a bit of a caper that had turned out to be.Thanks, Jill, for persevering!

Enough of the gifts just now - I'm going to be a tease and drop one in every now and again, just 'cos I can. But just let me assure you that Heather, Kathleen, Jill and Nancy really came up with the goods.

Secret Santa must've been in our LYS and, would you believe it, came up with EXACTLY the yarn I needed to complete my hat-with-matching-scarf. All in all, Santa seems to have been good to everyone and we all knat, drank (just a little) and chatted (just a lot)into the wee small hours.

Before I sign off, a little mention in despatches, for my DH who kept us more than adequately supplies with essentials throughout the evening. He's so good at that sort of thing that I'm considering renting him out by the hour over the festive season...

Friday, December 09, 2005

One knit night wonders

Confession time - broke my 2 for 1 rule. I had some Lousisa Harding angora yarn that was positively begging to be knitted. However, I am my own mistress, so I crocheted it instead. close up image of narrow crocheted spiral scarf in pink and gray angora yarn  image of narrow crocheted spiral scarf in pink and gray angora yarn - scarf coiled up and photographed against blue carpet close up image of narrow crocheted spiral scarf in pink and gray angora yarn

I'm not convinced that any of these pics does the scarf justice but hopefully the three together give some idea of how this little curly whirly scarf looks like. Took less than an evening - and if I had a tenner for every admiring comment I wouldn't be blogging, I'd be on the beach in Barbados

The next night's knitting resulted in this little number image of knit 2 purl 2 ribbed hat in stripy Noro yarn - mostly blues stripes with some purple and green One of the things that I like/loathe about Noro yarn is that some completely unexpected colours pop up from the middle of the ball of yarn - usually when least expected. I've learnt my lesson, though, so now I have a sneaky peak inside the ball to check before purchasing.

Kureyon, along with other Noro yarns, has always seemed to me like a singles yarn. For those of you who aren't spinners, a singles yarn is exactly how it sounds - one strand of spun yarn. Most yarn is composed of two or more strand plied (twisted) together. As well as making a stronger yarn, plying gives a yarn more bounce and elasticity. Kureyon,prior to knitting, seems quite inelastic and doesn't have the typical appearance of a plied yarn. However, sitting fiddling with it today did indeed reveal two strands. All that aside, I love the way it knits up.

Katherine at K1 Yarns had a 10% discount on purchases today, so naturally I just HAD to go along. However, I was buying yarn to knit presents with, so I don't think that (really) counts. Can't say who it's for or what I'm knitting until after Christmas. Hope it'll be well-received...

Some knitting friends (what other kind is there??) are coming round tomorrow, so I'd better sign off and get tidying. TTFN

Monday, December 05, 2005

Couldn't take it any longer

Just HAD to do some knitting - if only for the purposes of this blog business, you understand. Nothing to do with the fact that I've got an assignment waiting....

So, before getting to the knitty-gritty, I DID give away THAT scarf - aren't I a good girl?! It was hard, let me tell you, but at least I managed not to give way to an undignified tug of war as I parted with it - I just kept repeating 'The gift honours the giver' over and over and over. Not convinced. Sod the honour - I WANT MY SCARF BACK.

Oops, can't hide my true feelings. Anyway, I did manage a couple of pattern repeats of this nifty little feather and fan scarf for my mum's Christmascream silk feather and fan pattern lace scarf as per usual, doesn't look like much, but it's Jaegar Silk and amazingly enough, it's still the original cream and not a grotty grey. I think it's right up my mum's street - hope she doesn't spot that little design feature...

Waiting in the wings we havegreen ribbon yarn with shots of pink, made by Colinette some green/pink (favourite colour combo. of mine) Giotto, a Colinette yarn obtained from, you guessed it, K1 Yarns. It's going to be a cute little top that only takes 2 skeins, but it'll have to wait - I'm currently trying to do a 2 for 1 offer. Finish two for every one I start. Why??? Anyway, moving on. More Colinette, this time Point 5. accompanied by Artisanal Lace (I think)from last summer's Woolfesttwo skeins of yarn - one very fine lace weight blues and pink. One slubby singles yarn, multi-coloured, mainly dark blues with splashes of pinks and green. These photos are a tad better, eh?

Well, I better get back to that assignment. Mind you, that huge pile of ironing looks good...... ttfn PS looking forward to seeing certain folk this Saturday - for knitting, nattering and just a little imbibing.....



...on Earth am I trying-to-learn-Gaelic-undertaking-post-grad-diploma-working-full-time-campaigning-against-decision-to remove-eachers-from-Glasgow-Nursery-schools-AND-getting-ready-for-Christmas ? to name but a few things I'm doing en ce moment

You'll understand, then why I have NO TIME to do a digital photography class and therefore excuse yet another c***** pic of some scrummy roving

This is Freyalyn's little teaser - a free sample sent with some of her 'Blues' roving. I'm desperate to do some spinning. My DH bought me a fantabulous wheel for my 40th birthday (Shucks, you're too kind - not a day over 26 ??? Why, thank you). I'm now the proud owner of 2 wheels. HAve to say I still love the liitle beaut that I learnt on (erm, is that Australian, 'cos I'm trying to do a Kiwi accent...) - might not be the most alluring wheel in the world, but it taught me a lot - feeling a bit guilty about putting it in the attic now).

I have some wonderful Desert Flower roving, from Lorna's Laces, via Get Knitted (links coming soo, promise). When I've spun that I want to spin the blues (technical content coming) z-twist and s-ply, enough to knit into a jumper - my biggest spinning project to date. Unfortunately, I have no time to pick up a pair of Brittanys, never mind dust the wheel down.

How's everyone else's Christmas preparations coming along - do let me know - might spur me into a bit of action. Cya x

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Skye - what else ?

My pal Kathleen has a penchant for showing fantabulous pictures of places she has been, so being naturally......thrawn, did I hear you say? ....I thought I'd buck the trend by starting with a few dismal ones. - nothing more dismal than the view through a car window at a Crianlarich car park on a dreich day... Things began to improve a bit.... and I think it's safe to say that this is beginning to make up for things!

Anyway, what about KNITTING and other important things. Well, I'm naffed off - no time to knit - AND I've just received this through the post. Now, this wonderful merino loooks really c*** , doesn't it - Sorry, Freyalyn, I di my best with the camera, honest. I don't know if she'll sell me anything else, after she sees this misrepresentation. Honestly , this fibre is gorgeous and an absolute dream to spin. I bought (hushed whisper) 1 whole kilo of it - well, I do have the odd project in mind....Freyalyn kindly (?) sent me a little teaser skein of her Reds colourway - I'll think about posting it when I can do it justice. Tonight I have to finish the fringing for that scarf that I don't want to give away...maybe I'll feel like a Good Person when I've let somebody adopt it. I''m not sure, though...........When will I learn to do hard breaks?

Final thing, here's my first attempt at flower arranging. Stop sniggering - you've no idea how bad I was before - things can only get better......