Couldn't take it any longer
So, before getting to the knitty-gritty, I DID give away THAT scarf - aren't I a good girl?! It was hard, let me tell you, but at least I managed not to give way to an undignified tug of war as I parted with it - I just kept repeating 'The gift honours the giver' over and over and over. Not convinced. Sod the honour - I WANT MY SCARF BACK.
Oops, can't hide my true feelings. Anyway, I did manage a couple of pattern repeats of this nifty little feather and fan scarf for my mum's Christmas as per usual, doesn't look like much, but it's Jaegar Silk and amazingly enough, it's still the original cream and not a grotty grey. I think it's right up my mum's street - hope she doesn't spot that little design feature...
Waiting in the wings we have some green/pink (favourite colour combo. of mine) Giotto, a Colinette yarn obtained from, you guessed it, K1 Yarns. It's going to be a cute little top that only takes 2 skeins, but it'll have to wait - I'm currently trying to do a 2 for 1 offer. Finish two for every one I start. Why???
Anyway, moving on. More Colinette, this time Point 5. accompanied by Artisanal Lace (I think)from last summer's Woolfest
. These photos are a tad better, eh?
Well, I better get back to that assignment. Mind you, that huge pile of ironing looks good...... ttfn PS looking forward to seeing certain folk this Saturday - for knitting, nattering and just a little imbibing.....
Snap! Four skeins of that pink and green Giotto seduced me at our only craft fair, in this town. I haven't started it, yet, though. I'm too fat for the two skein pattern. Oops...politically incorrect word.
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