Sunday, December 11, 2005

Wowee - 40 26 aint so bad...

image of gift basket with knitted flower decoration ....not when you knitting palls like mine.

Not only am I now the proud owner of a set of Denise kneedles from Katherine, but I have (as yet) untold bounty in the form of the bestest-ever knitting basket.

Decorated, naturally, by a KSH beaded flower close up image of knitted flower motif in orange and deep pink kid silk haze yarn, blue and clear beaded staemens dangling from green centre this was a knitter's dream and, incidentally, solved the little secret sewing mystery. That little teaser turned out to be a needle roll created from the most amazing vintage material.vintage gold knitting kneedle case with pair of glass knitting needles placed on top Note the artfully placed glass needles - carefully selected and sourced by Jill - and a bit of a caper that had turned out to be.Thanks, Jill, for persevering!

Enough of the gifts just now - I'm going to be a tease and drop one in every now and again, just 'cos I can. But just let me assure you that Heather, Kathleen, Jill and Nancy really came up with the goods.

Secret Santa must've been in our LYS and, would you believe it, came up with EXACTLY the yarn I needed to complete my hat-with-matching-scarf. All in all, Santa seems to have been good to everyone and we all knat, drank (just a little) and chatted (just a lot)into the wee small hours.

Before I sign off, a little mention in despatches, for my DH who kept us more than adequately supplies with essentials throughout the evening. He's so good at that sort of thing that I'm considering renting him out by the hour over the festive season...


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