Thursday, December 29, 2005

Polling station now closed

Votes being counted by an independent adjudicator...... The festive fun'n'frolicks party is looking good, but the academics are slipping WAY behind..
As you can probably tell, I forgot about this entry and tried to sneak it in before the previous one, so if this seems a bit out of order, it is!
And the question and results are:
What should I do over the holiday period?

1 knit furiously, from any and every project I damn well like 20%

2 stay in bed for a week, eating chocs, drinking wine, reading 13.3%

3 hushed whisper - work on my assignment (AAARRGGHH) 6.7%

4 eat just a little more chocolate than is good for me 0%

5 all of the above except answer 3 60%

As the results show, I shouldn't have been working on that ol' assignment - so I now feel exceedingly virtuous for having done so. And my reward - the most beeyootiful pair of pink DMs that I have ever seen - pic when I find the camera (hope it didn't go out with the wrapping paper.....)


Blogger Twelfthknit said...

Yep, I think I know the colours that madam would like....

3:31 pm  

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