Was it worth it....?
When Mr India and I married a few years ago at
Fasque House , Matthew did a fine job of a reading for us. Peter, however, still felt compelled to lay down the gauntlet. Anyone who married after us had to at least equal the venue. I am sure that you will agree that A House for an Art Lover lived up to that challenge. Ande here, with the grooms permission, is a photo of the happy couple - isn't Ella a beautiful bride ?
Amazingly I did manage to get
River Feather & Fan ( just don't go there, ok?) for the big event, but suffice to say it was a very close thing. I shudder to think about those two dropped stitches that survived the blocking process, but this is KSH we are talking about - the yarn equivalent of Superglue
I know that I am still due an update in Woolfest - it is coming, promise. In the meantime, though I'd show you how well the car coordinates with the knitting. And believe me, despite the inaccuracies of the colour reproduction, the car matches the KSH exactly. Well, why else would we have bought the car....?
Oh it's gorgeous India, the colour is beautiful and I love that it is such a simple shape, makes me want to think about trying River again, or is it some sort of jinxed pattern? Perhaps I should go for your version, it certainly looks fantastic and so nice to co-ordinates ones accessories (cars).
Hey, a bride's a bride but knitting....
I forgot to say, the Amy Butler fabric: I happen to live near (well 30 miles away) a huge fabric warehouse place with an enormous remnants/seconds department and I have been really lucky there with the some great Amy Butler other Rowan gems. They sell by weight and you have to be prepared to rummage and occasionally come to blows with other equally determined ladies but there are some great treasures to be had.
Hiya, glad the wedding went so well. The bride was indeed lovely. So were you! The wrap goes so nicely with your dress. (And your car of course!)
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