Thursday, November 23, 2006

Not created equal, but we can all be a pain in the a**


There is a lot going on in society just now about equality and inclusion. And I agree with it. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say my childhood was certainly not the epitome of opportunity.

From what I have read, and been told, there are all sorts of stereotypes associated.... I'm stuck here. I don't want to give offence, some people I know are happy to be 'disabled', some are not. Some people regard themselves as 'wheelchair users', some do not. I guess what I 'm saying is, there is so much political correctness that meaningful dialogue is almost impossible. Don't apply labels - erm, ok. I'm a knitter. That's a label. Labels are ok if they're ok with the labelee. But just what is ok?

Where am I going with all of this? I count myself as being very fortunate, although I live with chronic pain. I would not wish to have to use a wheel chair, or have a visual impairment. I am fortunate and I would like every person on the planet to have equality of opportunity. Surely, though, equality shouldn't be sugar coated. If not able-bodied, or are otherwise 'different' and you're a pain in the a**, you should expect to be told so? As I commented recently, when I was depressed I was a real pain in the a*** - I don't know if that has changed any! Being depressed might explain behaviour, but being explainable doesn't make it acceptable. Beyond an individual's own limits of tolerance, why SHOULD unacceptable behaviour be accepted?

If you have a comment which you would like to put forward in a reasonable fashion, please do. If you want to simply rant, do it on your own blog.



Blogger sheep#100 said...

The whole idea of political correctness puts my teeth on edge. It is such a joke with most of the people I know.

6:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes political correctness is right and proper. It shouldn't excuse poor behaviour though.
The trouble is being able to differentiate between someone being a pain because it's part of what's up with them. Someone can be in a wheelchair and be nice, or be a total a**hole. It should be ok to call them on it if they're being out of order. Someone who has depression might need forgiveness for being snappy and self centered - that comes with the depression.

9:05 pm  
Blogger Twelfthknit said...

Hi Isobel, I agree totally with what you have said - there is a big difference between not being able to help oneself due to an illness. But I still believe that even when someone is ill, they have a huge amount of self control. Of course, I am not talking about someone who is psychotic, but even in such situations there are variable amounts of control.

9:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a great believer in equal opportunities and and trying to give respect to the other viewpoint.
However, people cannot be expected to second guess what is making someone nasty/aggressive etc. , it is unacceptable behaviour . I teach my two year old that hitting is naughty and hurts someone else - why shouldn't an adult (able, disabled, mentally ill or otherwise) be told their behaviour is unacceptable in a manner they understand. This may be a bit more challenging when someone is mentally ill, but not impossible.
Hope this isn't a rant - trying to get my point over was never my strong point!

7:28 pm  

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